
How Do I Know If I Am An Introvert? 9 Signs That Suggest You Just Might Be

Have you felt out of place for most of your life or feel like you are different from everyone else? Do people say that you are quiet or question why you don’t want to go out all the time? If so, you could be an introvert. Let’s look at 9 signs that might indicate that you lean towards introversion. 9 Signs You May Be An Introvert 1. Enjoy Spending Time Alone You love spending time alone. Introverts feel recharged and refreshed after spending time in solitude. You cherish reading a book, going for long walks, or staying in curled up [...]

Are You an Introvert, Empath, or Highly Sensitive Person?

Many people refer to themselves as introverts, empaths, or highly sensitive persons (HSPs). While these three personality types share some similarities, there are also key differences between them. In this post, we’ll look at introversion, empathy, and high sensitivity, discuss what they have in common, and explain how they differ. Whether you identify as an introvert, empath, or a highly sensitive person, or have loved ones who do, this post will shed light on how these temperaments shape personality and relationships. If this is you, understanding these traits and where they come from can go a long way to shifting [...]

2024-03-27T07:35:16-05:00Online Therapy|

How do you know if you have Spiritual or Religious Trauma?

Spiritual or religious trauma is a type of relational trauma. It stems from living in or being exposed to an environment with rigid religious or spiritual beliefs. This can range from living in an extreme religious cult, an abusive religious setting, a fundamental group that was not aligned with your own core beliefs, or any other controlling and painful religious experience that left you feeling isolated, afraid, and lost. In this blog post, we will take a look at relational trauma. Then, we will take a deeper look at spiritual or religious trauma and how it might impact you. We [...]


What does Depth Therapy for Relational Trauma Look Like?

Have you experienced trauma? Are you stuck and struggling to move beyond what has happened to you? Relational trauma has a way of doing just that - leaving you feeling stuck. Depth therapy, a process that explores the unconscious mind and the depths of the human experience is highly effective for working through relational trauma. The process of depth therapy goes beyond just dealing with surface problems and instead focuses on the complex impact of relational trauma, the root of your wounds, and the core of who you are. In this blog post we will look at what depth therapy [...]

2024-03-26T08:29:08-05:00Depth Therapy|

Can Online Therapy Help You Overcome Trust Issues?

Building and maintaining trust is essential for healthy relationships, both personal and professional. Trust forms the foundation of strong connections. But, it can also be a fragile aspect that requires effort and commitment to maintain. Trust can be broken and rebuilding it can be a challenging journey. Trust in yourself is often the most difficult to build and maintain. And, without trust in yourself it’s hard to trust in others. The therapeutic process, whether traditional or online therapy, can be a meaningful way to build trust.Trust in yourself is the foundation of trusting in others. As C.G. Jung once said, [...]

2024-02-12T11:44:53-06:00Online Therapy|

What Does Relational Trauma Look Like?

The holidays have passed and for many that time of year is fraught with distress, triggers of the past, or even a felt sense of persistent anxiety and malaise. Let’s face it, it’s not always “the most wonderful time of the year.” It may be that “going home” for the holidays brings unwanted tension. You may have found yourself alone, either by choice or not. You could have been halfway across the globe and missing home and the familiar. Maybe you awoke to a holiday that just didn’t look like it used to look. Whatever the case, if this is [...]


Online Trauma Therapy: Grow Beyond your Trauma

Trauma has the power to reshape the landscape of our lives. It impacts every part of our brain and nervous system. Because of this, trauma has a tremendous impact on one’s mental, emotional, physical, social, and spiritual health. The good news, though, is that you CAN heal. And, not only can you heal from your trauma through trauma therapy, you can transform and grow beyond it. I offer online trauma therapy grounded in Jung-oriented depth psychology. A depth approach allows you to do the deep work necessary to process your trauma. This involves growing beyond what you think your potential [...]

Journeying through your Developmental Trauma to Heal

Developmental trauma refers to the long-term impact of adverse experiences during critical periods of development. These experiences can disrupt normal developmental processes and have lasting effects into adulthood. In this blog from me we will discuss adverse childhood experiences and key points of developmental trauma. We will also take a look at how you can heal through Trauma Therapy. What Happened to You? Adversity Impacts the Developing Child Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are negative experiences that happen between birth and 17 years of age. The ACEs questionnaire is comprised of 10 questions that target three types of negative childhood experiences, [...]


Listening to the Small Voice Within: The Fog of Confusion with Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse, a type of relationship trauma, happens little by little, bit by bit, so slowly that you may not even recognize it until you are out of it. This type of abuse eats away at a person’s soul and attacks the very core of one’s being. It is subtle and while leaving no physical wounds does leave a devastating impact on the person as a whole. The trauma impact from emotional abuse can be just as severe as physical abuse. Many who suffer from emotional abuse describe a feeling of being “crazy.” Most feel they are to blame and [...]

2024-02-12T12:25:25-06:00Emotional Abuse|

Unveiling the Barriers to Love: Healing your Heart with Online Therapy

I have been thinking about love a lot lately. Perhaps it’s the holidays and the impending new year? It's a time to hope for something better and also a time that can be fraught with tension, chaos, or loneliness. Or, maybe my musing on love stems from the chaos and division we see not only here in the United States but globally as we experience the brutality of war? It could come from the reality and notion of hate crimes in our news today. Whatever the root, and likely all the above, I have been thinking of love and want [...]

2024-02-12T12:13:08-06:00Online Therapy|
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