You want to start psychotherapy, but that’s not as easy as it sounds. Perhaps you live in the heart of Texas and you don’t have time to sit in traffic to get to and from your appointment. Or you may live in Wimberly, New Braunsfels, or La Grange with fewer mental health resources and choices when it comes to psychotherapy. Taking care of your emotional well-being is important but you can hardly find the time to take care of yourself. Work, family, school, and life all eat away at your time. Carving out an hour a week seems difficult but adding on the commute time and parking makes the idea almost impossible. This is where online therapy can be the right choice for you.

Online Therapy may be the solution you have been looking for

You want high-quality, specialized therapy services, but you also need therapy that fits with your lifestyle. I understand. Online psychotherapy services at Lysle Shaw Psychotherapy may be the answer you’ve been looking for. With online psychotherapy, you can find the time to take care of yourself.

A woman types on her laptop while sitting at her desk. Searching for online therapy in Austin, TX? Our experienced online therapist in Texas can help you heal from trauma. Visit us today!

Do you want to take a deeper look at who you are and what you actually want out of life? I specialize in helping individuals overcome the roadblocks that prevent joy and lasting change. Most clients have experienced trauma in life; most feel stuck. Many seek help during life transitions or relational conflict while others are searching for more meaning and purpose in life. If you struggle to get to the therapy office but are ready for expansive growth, online therapy may be for you. Online psychotherapy saves you time and gives you a safe and secure space to explore the deeper you and get on the path to living a full life. Through the use of a secure HIPPA-compliant virtual platform, I am able to offer you effective psychotherapy without all the hassle of coming into a counseling office.

Benefits of Online Therapy in Texas

Accessibility and Convenience

One of the primary advantages of online therapy is its accessibility. You can access therapy sessions in Texas from the comfort of your own home or chosen setting. Online therapy saves time, eliminating the need for travel and parking. Once the session is complete you can easily transition to the next task or take a moment to breathe and process. You are no longer limited to whoever is within your driving distance. This convenience is especially beneficial for individuals with mobility issues, busy schedules, or those living in remote areas with limited access to mental health services.

Anonymity and Reduced Stigma

For many, the stigma associated with seeking therapy can be a significant barrier. Online therapy offers a level of anonymity that can empower you to seek help without the fear of being recognized or judged. This anonymity may be the very reason you find the courage to reach out for therapy.

Diverse Therapist Options

Online therapy provides access to a wide range of therapists, regardless of their physical location. The increased options allow for a better chance of finding a therapist with whom you feel safe, comfortable, and understood. The right fit for you may not be in your hometown. Texas is a large state. With online therapy, you can find the best fit for you.

Continuity of Care

Online therapy ensures that you can maintain your therapeutic relationship even if you relocate or face other disruptions that interfere with treatment. Consistent therapy leads you to the deep growth and lasting change you desire.

Types of Therapy Options at Lysle Shaw Psychotherapy

Online Therapy for Relational Trauma

Relational trauma refers to traumatic experiences that occur within the context of relationships with others – it can happen at any stage of life. Most trauma is relational trauma. It can stem from a one-on-one relationship, relationships within families, intimate partnerships, friendships, or our relationship with the world we live in.This type of trauma can have a profound impact on a person’s sense of self, their ability to trust others, and their capacity for healthy relationships. I work with all types of relational trauma including developmental trauma, a type of relational trauma that occurs early in life, and religious or spiritual trauma that stems from experiencing or living in an environment with rigid religious or spiritual beliefs.

Online Therapy for Deep Existential and Spiritual Exploration

A woman sits at her desk and meditates with her hands on a book. Want to learn how to heal from your trauma? Online therapy may be your best option. Our online therapist can help you navigate your trauma. Try online therapy in Texas today!

Meaning and purpose is something we all seek. We all ponder deep life questions – it’s our human nature. We are in a sense always becoming and always emerging into that unique person we are meant to be. Across our lifespan, we stumble and encounter roadblocks and traumas that paralyze our natural curiosity and movement towards happiness and a full life. I offer an online space of safety and unconditional acceptance that allows for the kind of trust and alliance essential to exploring the big questions of life. Who am I? What do I believe in? Where do I want to go next? These are the types of questions we can explore in online therapy.

Online Therapy for Relationship Issues in Texas

I offer individual counseling for those who are struggling with a relationship, whether that be with a partner, parent, child, friend, or coworker. Relationships are key to our well-being. Processing your own patterns, emotions, triggers, behaviors, and family history can be a powerful way to reclaim your life and your relationships. What we know is that change in one person can profoundly impact the health of relationships. Couples or joint counseling is not always an option for various reasons. Online therapy to work on you and to improve your relationships is effective, accessible, secure, and safe.

Is Online Therapy Effective?

My background in person-to-person therapy made me skeptical of virtual therapy when the pandemic hit. In truth, it was an adjustment. However, I quickly came to recognize the deep connections and profound work that happens in a virtual space. Research shows online therapy to have similar outcomes in client satisfaction and personal growth as in-person therapy.

I find that many of my Texas clients prefer the comfort of their own home, feeling more at ease and able to relax and open up. Many sit with their pets and relish the convenience and warmth of home. Others find it beneficial to stay at work and create a private setting to conduct their sessions, rather than travel to my office. Many are busy, driven people who want to do the deep work but do not have time for the commute. Reasons abound for each individual. My personal experience is quite revelational as I find each session rich with deep exploration and transformative healing, regardless of the setting.

Begin Online Therapy in Texas with Lysle Shaw Psychotherapy

A person's hands typing on a laptop with a notebook by their side. Looking to learn how to cope with your trauma? Our experienced online therapist can teach you. Try online therapy in Austin, TX today!

Are you ready to take the first step towards improved mental health and well-being by beginning online therapy. As an online therapist, my therapy services offer convenience and support tailored to your needs. I would be honored to work with you. If you are ready and think we would be a good fit, reach out for a free 20-minute consultation.

Other Therapy Services Offered at Lysle Shaw Psychotherapy in Austin, Houston, and throughout Texas

Lysle Shaw Psychotherapy provides online therapy for individuals across Texas. Specialties include walk and talk therapy, trauma therapy, therapy for introverts, empaths, and highly sensitive persons, existential and spiritual exploration, and individual therapy for relationship issues. Reach out to me today to take the first step towards a brighter and healthier future.