Building and maintaining trust is essential for healthy relationships, both personal and professional. Trust forms the foundation of strong connections. But, it can also be a fragile aspect that requires effort and commitment to maintain. Trust can be broken and rebuilding it can be a challenging journey. Trust in yourself is often the most difficult to build and maintain. And, without trust in yourself it’s hard to trust in others. The therapeutic process, whether traditional or online therapy, can be a meaningful way to build trust.

Trust in yourself is the foundation of trusting in others. As C.G. Jung once said, “I should give myself completely into your hands—but who are you? I do not trust you. Not once to trust, is that my love for you, my joy in you? Do I not trust every valiant man, and not you, my soul? Your hand lies heavy on me, but I will, I will. Have I not sought to love men and trust them, and should I not do this with you?”(C.G. Jung, The Red Book: A Reader’s Edition) Trusting yourself can be difficult but it’s necessary for fulfilling and meaningful relationships.

In this blog, we will explore the concept of trust and its significance in relationships. We will also look at how Online Therapy can help individuals overcome trust issues.

What is Trust?

Trust is a vital concept that underpins our interactions and relationships. It’s what keeps relationships intact, serving as the bedrock for solid connections. But what is trust exactly? Is it just a feeling, or can it be nurtured and developed over time? Trust, at its core, is believing in the reliability, truth, or strength of someone, or something. It requires taking a leap of faith, demonstrating courage, and showcasing our ability to connect and empathize as humans. Trust invites you to be vulnerable.

As Brené Brown wisely puts it, “Trust is not built in big sweeping moments. It’s built in tiny moments every day.” Trust demands time, effort, and consistency to establish and uphold. While fragile, it’s also capable of being fortified and repaired through deliberate actions and behaviors.

Building Trust Involves Vulnerability

It requires you to open up, let your guard down, and rely on another person to see you for who you are – strength, flaws, mistakes, everything included. This can be difficult if you have trust issues. Perhaps you experienced betrayal or relational trauma in the past? Relational trauma or past wounds make it challenging to lower your guard and trust others. Consistency, honesty, and reliability form the fundamental pillars in the building of trust.

A couple sits on a couch holding hands in front of a therapist. Are your trust issues making your life tougher and you want to work through them? It might be time for Online Therapy in Austin, TX. Speak with an online therapist in Texas today!

Understanding their importance can be a key step towards mending trust issues. Consistency in behavior and actions implies predictability. It assures that a person’s actions match their words, fostering a sense of security and stability. Honesty, on the other hand, is the virtue of being truthful and transparent, even when it’s difficult. It forms the backbone of trust, for without honesty, trust is merely a façade. Lastly, reliability is about dependability. It’s the assurance that someone will be there when you need them, acting as a safety net in times of distress.

Together, these three aspects serve as a compass, guiding our trust in others. For anyone seeking to build or rebuild trust, these elements offer a roadmap, a guide to a healthier, more fulfilling relationship. But what if these elements have been compromised? Can trust be built? Is there a way to navigate the often murky waters of trust issues?

The Impact of Trust, Betrayal, or Relational Trauma

Trust can be broken in many ways, whether through betrayal or relational trauma. Betrayal involves a breach of trust that causes significant emotional harm to the person who trusted. It can result from various actions such as infidelity, lying, or breaking promises. On the other hand, relational trauma is repeated betrayal over time, which erodes trust at its core.

Trust issues can also be linked to developmental trauma from childhood. Trust is a fundamental aspect of healthy development in childhood. And, it lays the foundation for how you navigate relationships in adulthood. When trust is broken repeatedly or never formed, it can have a significant impact on emotional regulation and your ability to form meaningful connections.

Broken Trust Impacts Emotional Regulation and Relationships

As we know, trauma can affect the brain in various ways, including emotional regulation and relationships. When trust is broken or never fully established, it can lead to difficulties managing emotions and building healthy connections. It can also result in an underlying fear of betrayal, causing you to struggle with vulnerability in relationships.

There is good news, though. What I I want you to know is that there is hope for overcoming trust issues. By seeking therapy, you can gain insight into your trust issues and work towards building healthier patterns of relating to others. Online depth therapy offers a convenient and effective way to address these issues without the added stress of commuting to in-person sessions.

Common Causes of Trust Issues Addressed through Online Therapy

Trust issues can stem from various experiences and factors. These can be past experiences, personality traits, or even present circumstances. It can even be a combination of these. But whether it’s betrayal, unmet expectations, or past trauma, understanding the root of trust issues is crucial for addressing and overcoming them.

Betrayal, Dishonesty, and Inconsistency

Betrayal can take many forms, from infidelity in a romantic relationship to breaking promises among friends. These actions can cause significant emotional harm and lead to difficulties trusting again. Whereas, dishonesty and inconsistency in a relationship can create a sense of insecurity, making it challenging to trust someone’s words or actions.

Unmet Expectations and Past Experiences of Betrayal or Trauma

People have different expectations in relationships, whether romantic, familial, or friendships. When these expectations are not met, it can lead to disappointment and difficulties trusting the other person. This can be compounded for those who have experienced betrayal or trauma in past relationships. Their trust may already be fragile and unmet expectations can further exacerbate this issue.

Erosion of Communication and Increased Conflict

Effective communication is crucial in building and maintaining trust. But when communication breaks down or becomes tense, it can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and ultimately, trust issues. This can happen in any type of relationship and highlights the importance of open and honest communication in fostering trust.

Increased Insecurity About the Relationship

When trust is broken, you may feel insecure in your relationship. You may question the other person’s intentions or actions and feel in a constant state of vigilance and suspicion. This can make it difficult to fully trust and be vulnerable with someone again. For instance, if you have experienced infidelity in a romantic relationship, it may be challenging for you to trust your partner again and fully open up emotionally.

A man sits away from a woman laying on a couch as he is thinking. Do you believe your trust issues are having an impact on your relationship? Online therapy in Austin, TX can help! Speak with an online therapist in Texas to begin today!

The Link Between Relational Trauma and Self-Doubt

Relational trauma from childhood or past relationships can significantly impact your trust in others and yourself. It can lead to self-doubt, low self-esteem, and negative beliefs about yourself and relationships. These issues can manifest in difficulties trusting others, forming deep connections, or even believing that you deserve healthy relationships.

The good news is that trust can be rebuilt with deep therapy work. By exploring the root cause of trust issues and addressing underlying relational trauma, you can begin to reclaim a sense of trust in yourself and others. Through a safe and non-judgmental environment, therapy can help identify triggers that activate trust issues. You can begin to work towards building healthier patterns of relating. So, if you’re struggling with trust issues, know that there is hope for healing and growth through therapy. Trust is possible, even after betrayal or relational trauma. It all starts with taking the first step towards seeking help.

Overcoming Trust Issues through Online Therapy

What you also need to know is that trust issues are common and entirely normal, given the right circumstances. Trust is a vulnerable state that often requires bravery and courage to put yourself out there. Even when trust is broken, you can learn from these experiences and grow towards healthier relationships.

One method of rebuilding trust is through deep work in online trauma therapy. This approach involves exploring the root causes of trust issues and addressing underlying relational trauma. It provides a safe space for vulnerable storytelling, allowing you to reclaim a feeling of trust and vulnerability. You can work with me and reclaim your sense of trust and vulnerability. We will explore situations that trigger your trust issues and help you respond more consciously.

The Persona in Trust Work

My approach is grounded in Jung-oriented depth psychology. From a Jungian perspective, we will delve into your psyche and understand patterns that may be influencing your trust dynamics. One concept in Jungian theory is the persona, which refers to the social mask we wear. This becomes an integral part of trust work. After experiencing betrayal or trauma, you may have put on a big defense and adopted a specific persona to protect yourself from getting hurt again. Through therapy, we will gently peel back these layers and help you build more connections with yourself and others. Together, we will work to identify situations that trigger your trust issues and help you respond more consciously.

Depth Counseling: A Transformative Approach

Online therapy from a Jungian perspective is an effective way to integrate therapy into your life. It offers a convenient and accessible way to overcome trust issues and foster sustained growth. By addressing deep-rooted relational trauma, we can work towards rebuilding trust and creating a foundation for healthier and more fulfilling connections.

It’s not just about finding time in your busy schedule. It’s about creating a space where you feel comfortable to explore those deep wounds and experiences that have shut you down. Through deep work, we will honor your strengths while also addressing the vulnerabilities that trust issues bring up. Together, we will create a foundation for healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

Deep Work is a Way to Overcome Trust and Foster Sustained Growth

Rebuilding trust and going deep is a courageous decision, but the human spirit is resilient. Through online depth counseling, you can work towards healing from past betrayal or trauma and create a stronger sense of self-trust. This can lead to more fulfilling connections and relationships in all aspects of your life.

We will create a foundation for healthier and more fulfilling connections through online therapy. This collaborative, transformative process will support you in setting boundaries, understanding expectations, and exploring what trust means to you.

Trust is possible, even after experiencing deep pain and betrayal. And through therapy, you can find the healing and growth needed to reclaim trust in yourself and others. Trust in yourself is key to fostering deeper connections with others and living a more fulfilling life. It’s a gradual process filled with self-reflection, but with courage and determination, you can overcome trust issues and create a more positive future.

A couple sits in therapy smiling while holding hands in front of a therapist. Looking to get your relationship back on track through online therapy in Austin, TX? Speak with an online therapist in Texas to see how it can help your relationship today!

Overcome Your Trust Issues With Online Therapy in Texas

Trust issues may feel overwhelming and unbeatable, but with the right support and guidance, you can overcome them. Through deep work and a therapeutic relationship built on trust and empathy, we can work towards healing past wounds and creating healthier patterns of relating. You deserve to live a life filled with fulfilling connections and positive relationships. At Lysle Shaw Psychotherapy, I am here to support you on that journey towards healing and growth. I offer Online Therapy in Texas that provides a convenient and accessible way to overcome trust issues. I will provide a safe and non-judgmental space for you to explore your experiences, emotions, and beliefs. Together, we can work towards building trust within yourself and fostering healthier connections with others. Take the first step towards reclaiming trust in yourself:

  • Reach out to schedule a free consultation.
  • Overcome your trust issues and have more fulfilling connections.

Other Therapy Services Offered at Lysle Shaw Psychotherapy in Austin, Houston, and throughout Texas

My therapeutic offerings go beyond online therapy in Texas. In addition, my services include spiritual and existential exploration, walk and talk therapy, trauma therapy, individual therapy for relationship issues, and Jungian dreamwork. If you’re ready to embark on the transformative journey that psychotherapy offers, I invite you to reach out. This path holds a lot of promise and potential for growth and healing. It would bring me great joy to walk alongside you in your journey towards a more fulfilling and connected life. Contact me today at Lysle Shaw Psychotherapy to learn more about how I can support you on your healing journey. Your transformation starts now.

A woman cries into her hands in front of her laptop. Looking to move past your trust issues through online therapy in austin, tx? Speak with an online therapist in Texas to learn if it is right for you!

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