Do you find yourself asking the big questions about life? Wondering what it’s all about? Why you are here?

Maybe you don’t consider yourself a spiritual person. Or perhaps you do. Either way, you may find yourself asking some of the big questions of life. The past few years have been tumultuous with a global pandemic and an increasingly divided culture. Globally, we are in a deep time of transition. Collectively, as human beings, we face more fear, anxiety, and uncertainty than ever before. I see this in my therapy practice. I see an increased number of clients seeking a safe space to explore questions of meaning and purpose, spirituality, and/or a deeper connection to something larger than oneself. Psychotherapy, especially depth work, which is a personal journey to help you live a deeper and more meaningful life, is also one of the most socially responsible actions a person can take to better our world.

The Process of Depth Therapy is about Widening and Expanding your Consciousness

Depth therapy is about increasing your awareness of yourself and how you relate to others and the community around you. This profound shift in you can and does impact our world as a whole. We sometimes forget that we are the curators of our life. We forget that we don’t have to be hostages to our history, culture, or others. You may be ready for a deeper journey if any of the following resonates:

  • You feel a restlessness or unease – things are going well but at the same time feel not quite right.
  • You grapple with some of the bigger questions of life like, “Who am I now? What do I believe in? Where do I want to take my life next? Am I happy?” “What is happiness?”
  • You want to make a difference in the world but are not sure how.
  • You have noticed your dreams of late and are curious what messages your unconscious has for you.
  • There is a new hum to your trauma or anxiety that is calling you to a deeper life experience in order to fully heal.
  • You want to feel grounded and show up in the world more authentically.
  • There is a feeling that you have to hide so much from others and even yourself.
  • You want to trust your intuition but are not quite sure you can.

You Don’t Have to Feel Aimless and Lost

You don’t have to keep questioning alone – you don’t have to feel aimless and lost. Depth work can help you find clarity so that you can engage with life from a deep sense of purpose. I love to walk with others on their spiritual journey, a journey I like to call an awakening to oneself and the world. If any of the above feels familiar, your soul or psyche may be calling you to something more. Let’s get curious about what that something is and see what this incredible life has in store for you. Depth therapy can help you expand and grow beyond what you think your potential might be.

People seek spiritual and existential exploration for many reasons and at different stages of life. Some common events that might spur deeper questioning are:

  • Recent spiritual awakening
  • Spiritual crisis
  • Trauma around spirituality and religion
  • Desire to navigate life purpose with more direction and clarity
  • Developing intuition
  • Increasing capacity for spiritual experiences
  • Facing mortality of self or loved one
  • Curiosity about dreams
  • Seeking the meaning of events happening in life and the world

A woman reaches the top of a mountain overlooking trees. Looking to find yourself through depth therapy in Austin, TX? Speak with a depth therapist to find what works for you.

As a depth therapist, I am lucky to witness the journey of those on a path of deepening connections. I consider my own spiritual path a gift. Conscious living helps me deal with the uncertainties of life so that I can better feel the joys of the present, even in the midst of chaos. My passion for walking the journey with others stems from my personal experience and belief in the process.

Depth Therapy for Spiritual and Existential Exploration

My approach in all my work, as it gets to the root of an individual’s struggles, is a depth approach. Depth therapy gets to the root of trauma, relational issues, emotional regulation, and personality questioning. While depth therapy does reduce symptoms associated with a person’s struggle, the goal is to seek long lasting change that can only come from taking a deep look inside ourselves. Depth therapy gets to the root of who you are and from there you can begin to create the life you imagine.

Our work together will be grounded in Jung-oriented depth psychology, meaning we will explore the unconscious while at the same time address what is conscious and present in your life. This invites a deep inner process that brings about greater consciousness, a richer understanding of the self, and a movement towards integration of all parts of the self. While the depth process is not a quick fix or magic pill that will answer all your questions, it does bring a newfound confidence that will help you identify and navigate your purpose with more ease.

Empowering and Transformative Approaches

Noted Jungian Analyst, James Hollis, says, “We don’t cut out our wounds for they are wired in neurologically and psychologically but we can learn to manage them better; we can outgrow the influence of our past.” Much in the Jungian spirit he goes on to say, “Inner wrestling is lifelong. Once we find an answer, we outgrow it and have to ask where life is to meet us next and what do I need to do to prepare for it?” I love the spirit of these quotes as they harness the power that curiosity holds for our journey of life.

I integrate body-based therapies to help you tap into the inherent wisdom of your psyche and central nervous system – essential for growth and healing. Neuroscience emphasizes the importance of the body-mind connection in healing. My approach combines deep exploration of the psyche and intentional attunement to your body and nervous system. An approach that encompasses body-based therapies, knowledge from neuroscience, and a deep dive into the psyche is empowering and transformative.

Dreams are Full of Symbolic Meaning and Imagery that are Rich with Potential

My training and personal journey includes working with dreams. Many clients who are drawn to depth work find dream work a creative process that urges them on to deeper growth. What we know from Freud and Jung is that our conscious mind is only a fraction of our whole psyche. Deep within is the vast unconscious, home to a rich and fertile inner psychic world every bit as real and influential on behavior as the physical and external world. Dreams are an expression of our unconscious. They are a manifestation of the intelligent source within, that wisdom source we all possess. They are dynamic images as real as the external world and when taken as such offer the possibility of a powerful awakening to a life that resonates more with who we are.

Dreamwork is a fascinating way to get to the root and heart of what is happening within. We can build a practice of working with your dreams to help you dive deeper and closer to your truest self. Meditation, journaling, or outdoor therapy is always an option within the depth framework. The depth approach has an interdisciplinary aspect to it. We may draw on literature, philosophy, mythology, and the arts as a way to access your deepest self. Each of these experiences adds a dimension that fosters a connection not only to yourself but to nature and that which is greater than we are.

Begin your Existential and Spiritual Exploration with Depth Therapy in Texas

A woman sits on the floor while speaking through her laptop. Seeking depth therapy in Austin, TX? Speak with a depth therapist who can help you figure out what you need.

What is holding you back from exploring that restlessness in you that is seeking something more? It could be that trauma around spiritual or religious experiences feels too complex. Maybe the idea of spirituality feels too out there, or perhaps the big questions are just too scary. All of this makes sense. If this is you, try reframing the process and approach it with curiosity rather than fear. You might find depth work enriching and even fun at times with help from a depth therapist such as myself. Connecting with your deep self can be challenging but the reward is a full and meaningful life. Learning how to be you out there in the world is the gift depth therapy can bring.

To begin with me at Lysle Shaw Psychotherapy, reach out to schedule a free consultation so you can start to explore your deeper self and live a more meaningful life.

Other Therapy Services Offered at Lysle Shaw Psychotherapy throughout Texas

At Lysle Shaw Psychotherapy, I provide a wide array of therapeutic services beyond depth therapy. As a depth therapist, I specialize in guiding individuals through profound spiritual and existential exploration, helping them connect with the deeper aspects of their inner selves. In addition to these specialties, my therapeutic services include online therapy, outdoor psychotherapy, trauma therapy, individual therapy for relationship issues, and Jungian dreamwork. Reach out today to embark on a transformative journey toward a more fulfilling and spiritually enriched life.