depth therapist

Depth Psychotherapy: Connecting with Your Deeper Self

We all seek meaning and purpose. We all ponder and grapple with the deep questions of life – it’s our human nature to do so. In a sense, we are always becoming and always emerging into that unique person we are meant to be. Carl Jung, father of analytical psychology, whose work informs the approach of depth therapy, also known as depth psychotherapy, says, “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” I like to connect this quote with Brene Brown, widely known author, researcher, and storyteller. Brown says, “True belonging only happens when we [...]

2024-09-04T14:55:39-05:00Depth Therapy|

Existential Angst: Finding Meaning in Life with Depth Therapy

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, we can find ourselves entangled in a web of responsibilities, expectations, and the managing of others, whether it be family, coworkers, or friends. Day-to-day life can become robotic in the sense that we find ourselves barely getting through the day. In our effort to control life, our own and others, we can lose sight of who we are, what we want, and what our purpose is. This is where the transformative practice of depth therapy comes in. At times like this, we can begin to feel a sense of existential angst, which [...]

2024-09-04T14:58:11-05:00Depth Therapy|

Embracing Life’s Messiness into New Growth: Insight from a Depth Therapist

Fall is finally here and after one of the hottest Texas summers on record, I want to be outside every minute I can. The call to get my hands dirty, to feel the earth between my fingers and under my nails so strong that digging in the dirt is what I found myself doing recently. With intention, I dug with bare hands, no gloves or a shovel! I simply couldn’t wait to get my hands dirty. Delightful it was, even though I was a bit messy when done - dirty hands, feet, knees and even my face and the [...]

2024-09-04T15:00:47-05:00Depth Therapist|
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