Individual relationship therapy

Relationships Matter! Insights from an Online Relational Therapist in Houston, TX

Spring is upon us and here in Houston, Texas, it's likely to phase into summer heat soon. We happily got a cool snap this week and I found myself able to do my runs under a blue, crisp, and cloudless sky at a temperature of 55 degrees. Knowing the summer will bring temps in the 100’s, I relish these moments. My runs are my happy place. They set the tone for the day and often serve to center my being. To my delight this week there was another bonus, the sweet scent of honeysuckle blooms, a smell of my childhood [...]

Can Individual Relationship Therapy Improve My Relationship?

Relationships are complex. Even the strongest connections can encounter hurdles. Considering individual therapy as a solution might not be the first thing that comes to mind. But, what we know is that delving into personal growth and self-awareness in individual therapy can provide remarkable benefits for resolving relationship concerns. I offer online depth work to help you navigate your relationships with more clarity, intention, and confidence. What does Individual Therapy to Improve Your Relationships Look Like? Our work together will be grounded in Jung-oriented depth psychology, an approach that explores the unconscious while at the same time addresses what is [...]

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