Trauma Therapy

Can You Heal From Relational Trauma? Part 1

Absolutely, you can heal from relational trauma! In this series of blog posts, I'm excited to introduce you to Gretchen Schmelzer’s Trail Guide to the 5-Phase Cycle of Healing Repeated Trauma. Gretchen, a psychologist, trauma expert, and trauma survivor, has dedicated over 30 years to working with complex trauma and brings a wealth of hope and insight to those affected by relational trauma. In the first blog post, I'll dive into her first chapter titled "Invitation" quoting her powerful words and sharing her expertise. If her message resonates with you, stay tuned for the upcoming blogs as we explore this [...]

How do you know if you have Spiritual or Religious Trauma?

Spiritual or religious trauma is a type of relational trauma. It stems from living in or being exposed to an environment with rigid religious or spiritual beliefs. This can range from living in an extreme religious cult, an abusive religious setting, a fundamental group that was not aligned with your own core beliefs, or any other controlling and painful religious experience that left you feeling isolated, afraid, and lost. In this blog post, we will take a look at relational trauma. Then, we will take a deeper look at spiritual or religious trauma and how it might impact you. We [...]


What Does Relational Trauma Look Like?

The holidays have passed and for many that time of year is fraught with distress, triggers of the past, or even a felt sense of persistent anxiety and malaise. Let’s face it, it’s not always “the most wonderful time of the year.” It may be that “going home” for the holidays brings unwanted tension. You may have found yourself alone, either by choice or not. You could have been halfway across the globe and missing home and the familiar. Maybe you awoke to a holiday that just didn’t look like it used to look. Whatever the case, if this is [...]


Online Trauma Therapy: Grow Beyond your Trauma

Trauma has the power to reshape the landscape of our lives. It impacts every part of our brain and nervous system. Because of this, trauma has a tremendous impact on one’s mental, emotional, physical, social, and spiritual health. The good news, though, is that you CAN heal. And, not only can you heal from your trauma through trauma therapy, you can transform and grow beyond it. I offer online trauma therapy grounded in Jung-oriented depth psychology. A depth approach allows you to do the deep work necessary to process your trauma. This involves growing beyond what you think your potential [...]

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