Relational therapist

Can You Heal from Relational Trauma? Part 2

Hi! Welcome back to Part 2 of this series on Can You Heal from Relational Trauma. If you missed the first post, you can read it here. This series of blog posts is a review of Gretchen Schmelzer's book, "Journey Through Trauma: A Trail Guide to the 5-Phase Cycle of Healing Repeated Trauma." I believe her book provides valuable insights into the latest research on trauma, offering hope for individuals who may feel broken, sad, and trapped in their past experiences. In Part 1, we defined relational trauma, discussed its impact, and explored 7 key points that Gretchen wants [...]

Breaking Free From Codependency: Insights from a Relational Therapist

Understanding Codependency Codependency is a complex and often misunderstood issue that can have a profound impact on your relationships and overall well-being. As a relational therapist, I've witnessed the struggles that individuals face when caught in the web of codependency, but I've also seen the incredible transformations that can occur when they embark on the journey to break free. Codependent individuals tend to rely excessively on others for emotional support, validation, and a sense of self-worth. It often manifests as an unhealthy preoccupation with the needs and feelings of others to the detriment of one's own well-being. This behavior [...]

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