Trauma and PTSD are buzzwords that are built into the language of society. I have noticed of late that developmental trauma is a word of common use as well. The awareness of such trauma is welcome but misunderstandings about the nature and impact can be misleading. So, let’s look at what developmental trauma really is, how it impacts mental health, and the neuroscience behind the hope for healing.

What is Developmental Trauma?

Developmental trauma comes from repeated exposure to negative experiences during childhood. This can disrupt the healthy development of a child’s brain and emotional well-being.

It is often characterized by a series of traumatic events or exposure to stressful environments. These experiences can include physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. It can also include neglect, parental substance abuse, and domestic violence.

A woman sits on a couch thinking while being sad. Has developmental trauma kept you from being your best self? Try trauma therapy in Austin, TX. Our trauma therapist can help you move forward!

What sets this apart from other forms of trauma is its occurrence during critical periods of brain development. During childhood, the brain is rapidly developing, forming crucial neural connections and pathways. This lays the foundation for future emotional regulation, social interaction, and cognitive functioning. Traumatic experiences during this vital period can alter the brain’s structure and function.

It is important to note that developmental trauma is not only determined by specific events. It is also determined by the impact of negative experiences throughout childhood. The severity of the trauma, as well as the presence of nurturing relationships, can influence the extent of its impact on an individual’s growth.

The Impact of Developmental Trauma on Mental Health and Well-Being

Many clients who come in with a history of developmental trauma feel that something is deeply wrong with them – they feel something is wrong with the core of who they are. Most feel at fault for this feeling and have a profound sense of hopelessness about fixing what is wrong. Most view the world as unsafe, chaotic, and threatening. By the time they courageously reach out for help, they are often full of shame and describe feeling broken and damaged. Loneliness, disconnection from self, others, and the world are common. What this tells us is that the wounds from developmental trauma run deep and that the impact can be devastating to one’s mental health and well-being.

Developmental Trauma’s Lasting Impact

Research in neuroscience increasingly shows that developmental trauma can have a profound and lasting impact on mental health, affecting individuals well into adulthood. It can affect cognitive abilities, emotional regulation, social relationships, and overall mental health. The consequences of developmental trauma can manifest in different ways, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorders, depression, attachment issues, difficulties with self-regulation, and impaired impulse control. Developmental trauma can disrupt the normal development of important brain regions involved in emotional processing. These alterations can lead to difficulties in emotional regulation, heightened fear responses, and challenges in forming and maintaining healthy relationships.

Hope for Healing

A woman is laying against a grey couch while looking up. Want to move past your developmental trauma in Austin, TX? Our experienced trauma therapist can help you.

What we know is that you can heal from developmental trauma. Research in neuroscience backs this up. And, as a trauma therapist, I have seen it. Healing takes time and it is hard work, but it can and does happen. In his recent book, What Happened to You?, Neuroscientist and trauma expert Dr. Bruce Perry moves the conversation around developmental trauma from “What’s wrong with me?” to “What happened to you?” This remarkable, yet subtle, shift changes the focus dramatically and has a profound impact on the approach to treatment for developmental trauma. When you can understand what happened to your brain and nervous system early in life and learn that reshaping and rewiring is possible, you can begin to shift hopelessness to hope.

Even a basic understanding of the neuroscience can give relief, especially in the areas of self-blame and shame. Armed with this knowledge you can, over time, view self, others, and the world with hope rather than distrust and fear. I cannot take away your trauma or the past but you can learn to move on from the past and live a full life. While developmental trauma can have long-lasting effects, the brain’s capacity for neuroplasticity allows for the possibility of positive change and recovery. But, how do you do this? How do you begin to reshape and rewire?

Healing from Developmental Trauma

First, healing from developmental trauma cannot happen alone. It requires a supportive therapeutic relationship, whether that is a counselor, psychiatrist, or group therapist. A safe therapeutic relationship is crucial; it is key. The relationship itself promotes change as you learn a new way of relating. With time you will gain trust in the relationship and your own capacity to be in that relationship. You can then use your new skills in other relationships outside the therapy room. The therapist can also provide guidance, interventions, and education to support any other new experiences in the recovery journey.

Developmental trauma can have long-lasting effects on mental health. With the right support, individuals can heal and build resilience. It is vital for society to recognize the significance of developmental trauma. By acknowledging the impact of developmental trauma and providing appropriate support, therapists can help people on their path to recovery. This in turn creates a more compassionate and understanding society. With appropriate support, individuals can work towards healing and leading fulfilling lives.

Begin Trauma Therapy in Texas Today!

A woman sits crossed on a couch with a laptop on her lap. Searching for an answer to your developmental trauma in Austin, TX? Our trauma therapist can get you the help you need. Visit us today!

If you are seeking support to heal from your developmental trauma I am here for you. This is a safe space where you can share your experiences and find a path forward. Reach out and schedule a free consultation. I would love to connect!

Man holds his head while standing in a dark room. Looking to move forward from your developmental trauma in Austin, TX? Our trauma therapist can help you. Call today!

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