
Can Individual Relationship Therapy Improve My Relationship?

Relationships are complex. Even the strongest connections can encounter hurdles. Considering individual therapy as a solution might not be the first thing that comes to mind. But, what we know is that delving into personal growth and self-awareness in individual therapy can provide remarkable benefits for resolving relationship concerns. I offer online depth work to help you navigate your relationships with more clarity, intention, and confidence. What does Individual Therapy to Improve Your Relationships Look Like? Our work together will be grounded in Jung-oriented depth psychology, an approach that explores the unconscious while at the same time addresses what is [...]

What happened to you? Understanding the Impact of Developmental Trauma

Trauma and PTSD are buzzwords that are built into the language of society. I have noticed of late that developmental trauma is a word of common use as well. The awareness of such trauma is welcome but misunderstandings about the nature and impact can be misleading. So, let’s look at what developmental trauma really is, how it impacts mental health, and the neuroscience behind the hope for healing. What is Developmental Trauma? Developmental trauma comes from repeated exposure to negative experiences during childhood. This can disrupt the healthy development of a child's brain and emotional well-being. It is often [...]


Nurturing the Wounds: A Journey to Healing from Emotional Abuse

In the darkest corners of our lives, emotional abuse can cast long and painful shadows, leaving us wounded and struggling to find light and hope. However, in the face of adversity, the human spirit is resilient. Healing is a courageous journey of self-discovery, self-compassion, and empowerment. In this blog, we will look at what emotional abuse is, how it impacts you, and explore the path to healing. What is Emotional Abuse? Emotional abuse, also known as psychological or mental abuse, is a type of relational trauma that includes repeated non-physical behaviors meant to control or isolate you. This may present [...]

2024-09-04T15:11:57-05:00Emotional Trauma|

Neuroscience and the Soul: A Journey to Healing Relational Trauma

Relational trauma is an umbrella term for any re-occurring trauma that happens within a relationship. Most trauma is relational trauma. It can stem from a one-on-one relationship, relationships within families, intimate partnerships, friendships, or our relationship with the world we live in. This blog post focuses on the broader term relational trauma, its impact on the core of who you are, and how you CAN heal. Growth is a part of being human. We are in a sense always becoming and always emerging into that unique person we are meant to be. A major part of becoming who we [...]

2024-09-04T15:13:32-05:00Relational Trauma|
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